
Life-Line Colorado is dedicated to preserving unforgettable moments. Our mission is to capture these cherished memories through a variety of media, including testimonial videos, success stories, and captivating photographs. You can also find all this compelling content on our social media platforms, where we share and celebrate the beauty and positivity that life has to offer.

If you’ve decided to change your life for the better, Life-Line Colorado is ready to help. No matter what position you’re in, we offer the resources and assistance you need to take your first steps down the right path. Through comprehensive case management, we’re able to provide access to educational resources, employment opportunities and drug and alcohol treatment programs in Denver, CO, among a broad range of other things.

Call our Life-Line Colorado
Substance Abuse Treatment

Transitional Housing on 90th St.


Holding a stable, honest job is a point of pride and can help ground you in your everyday life. Turn to us for help with job readiness, tattoo removal, clothing exchange, obtaining work IDs, job fairs and more.
Alcoholism Treatment Program

Transitional Housing

We assist with sober living and transitional housing services.
Alcohol Treatment Program

Drug addiction treatment

  • We provide drug addiction treatment and withdrawal support. No matter what type of drug dependence you’re suffering from, we help you achieve and maintain sobriety, so you can break free of the bonds of addiction.

Substance abuse treatment

  • Substance abuse goes beyond hard drugs. We offer substance abuse treatment in Denver, CO for alcohol as well, empowering individuals to recognize their addiction and work towards overcoming it. Our alcoholism treatment programs are designed to help you achieve your individual goals in a safe, non-judgemental environment.

Identifying red flags & triggers

  • Understanding your triggers can help you avoid making mistakes and bad decisions. Through case management, we help you get to know the triggers and red flags that affect you most, so you can avoid them or learn to control them.

Food pantry

  • Nourishment is one of the most basic fundamental needs of every person. We operate a food pantry, open to those who are unable to feed themselves and their families.


  • For those who have begun to take positive steps towards a better life, we’re here to assist you in achieving your GED and any post-secondary schooling you’re pursuing.

Suits for Success

Working with the Denver Inner City Parish, Life-Line Colorado hosts Suits for Success, which helps former convicts succeed in the job market.

Substance Abuse Treatment
Alcohol Treatment Program
Alcoholism Treatment Program

We work alongside the Colorado Department of Corrections whenever possible

We help individuals within the system gain access to the tools and resources needed to better their lives. We can also assist with immediate or transitional housing. For more information about case management or any of the programs or counseling resources we provide, please contact Life-Line Colorado today.

Transitional Housing on 91st St.